Sunday, 18 January 2015

Is Charlie Hebdo up Schitt's Creek?

Charlie Hebdo and Schitt's Creek...all in one week! I'm not sure what to do with this so, I'm hoping we can work some stuff out together.

You see, right now, I don't know if I'm #jesuisCharlie or #jenesuispasCharlie. And, should I continue watching the new CBC comedy - Schitt's Creek? (For those unfamiliar with this particular show...just google SCTV/Second City alumni Eugene Levy, Catharine O'Hara and yup...Schitt's Creek. I also hope you've heard about the Charlie Hebdo protests this week. If you haven't, stop reading this and become informed because there're more important things to know than what I have to say!)

Back to my dilemma - how are the two related, or are they, you ask? You're confused, you say.

It's very simple. My confusion stems from a vague connection to one of Canada's fundamental freedoms: freedom of speech and to my Christian faith. Let me explain.

From our good friends at 'Wikipedia': "Freedom of speech in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" by Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Unlike many democracies, freedom of speech in Canada is not protected, and is not absolute; Section 1 of the Charter allows the government to pass laws that limit free expression so long as the limits are reasonable and can be justified."

Still confused? Ok - let me put it this way. I agree that there are limits to what we can say, write, draw, enact, etc. If, in what you communicate, are likely to offend and incite anger, then good discretion should be shown and you probably shouldn't say, or do, or draw, the thing you were planning to do. Yet, history has shown that many injustices in society have been corrected because there were a few brave souls prepared to express what many didn't want to see or hear.

So, I'm 'jesuischarlie' because freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental human right which hundreds of thousands of people died to protect, yet I'm 'jenesuispascharlie' because not everything should be said. (And, I didn't see a T-shirt or placard with both statements at the demonstrations. So, I guess, there's no middle ground...right?)

And Schitt's Creek? (By the way, Schitt is actually a legitimate surname in Germany, but has different spelling variations for one obvious reason!) OK...I watched the first 2 episodes back to back...and I laughed...out loud. In my opinion, it's funny. (I think The 3 Stooges are funny too, so if that's any indication!) But, I can understand why some might find the title repugnant and obscene. There are areas in North America...mostly south of the 49th...where the 'S' word is right up there with other off colour words. If it's offensive to some, should I watch, and thereby endorse the show?

As a Christian - would I buy a copy of Charlie Hebdo knowing that some of it's contents are offensive to at least 1.5 billion people - although not offensive to me? Should I continue watching Schitt's Creek knowing that it's title is offensive to many fellow believers in Christ - although not offensive to me?

I'm not entirely sure. I'm not even sure writing this blog has helped me! However, here's what I do know: Christians are instructed to make every effort to live at peace with others (Romans 12:18). So, I think I'll stick with this.

P.S. I checked with Jack, Deep, and Awe, but they didn't Know...either. :)

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