Sunday, 23 September 2018

Of auto correct and the smaller things in life

There are moments when you can't help but just laugh. Take the time when my wife, Wendi, texted me and asked where I was. Apparently, the software writer didn't like my answer... so instead of replying the way I had intended, which was "On my tractor", autocorrect corrected me and said, "On my Tracy". So you can imagine Wendi's surprise and immediate response... "You're where? And on who?" Ah, good laughs!

But, it's this tractor that had me thinking this past week. If you know me, you know that I've never placed a lot of value in 'things'. As far as 'toys' are concerned, I would qualify my 1992 Kubota L2950 as one of my few, and maybe my only, treasured toys. There's nothing fancy or shiny about it, but it has served me well. And, I'll confess that when the day arrives that I have to let go of 'Tracy' I'm sure I'll shed a quiet tear or two.

I've had the pleasure of sitting in my Kubota's seat for hours. Truthfully, these have probably been the most peaceful and tranquil times of the ten plus years we've been at our current address.

From its seat, I have seen the spectrum of God's creation - life's joys and miseries:

The sunrise and the sunset...

The frost roll in and the dew dry up,
The barn swallow chasing bugs in the stirred up grass,
Frogs hopping out of the way of the approaching tires,
A killdeer puffing up its chest and pretending to be lame to protect its nest,
Deers on the horizon chewing leaves in contentment,
Fresh tire tracks in the recently cultivated soil,
My children and wife working side by side on the family farm,
Rainstorms approaching rapidly from the west,
Seagulls gulping back a fresh meal visible in the new furrows,
Small bunnies seeking safety in the comfort of their nest
An employee comedically slipping in the mud,
My daughter falling to her knees in anguish and despair,
Ice precariously hanging on a dahlia stem,
A new dawn and a new day rising,

The sunset and the sunrise.

Most of these things I count as gain. Some I count as loss.

As for autocorrect... and my Tracy... uh, my tractor... until we meet again.

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Of auto correct and the smaller things in life

There are moments when you can't help but just laugh. Take the time when my wife, Wendi, texted me and asked where I was. Apparently...