Sunday, 26 April 2015

The joy and comfort of spring and baby birds

It's like clockwork. It's my simple joy and comfort. By the end of April, they've all returned. And, by the last week of August, they leave. I've seen it year after year. No - not university students...I'm referring to barn swallows! The return of barn swallows is a simple joy I've been able to witness for the past few years. It's one of the sure signs that spring is here.

I'm amazed by the predictability of these birds. I'm never sure of the exact day, but I know that one day at the end of April, I'll open the barn's door and be greeted by a family of swallows. This was last Friday, April 24 (my Dad's birthday). So, for the next four months I'll have to walk strategically to avoid any falling treats from the sky! In another month or so, I'll get to listen to a cacophony of tiny bird tweets and have to dodge even more sky poop. It's awesome because I see God's faithfulness in the change of the seasons and the patterns of life.

We might complain and worry about the changing climate. As an outdoor flower grower, I'm all too familiar with 120km winds, flash flooding, drought, early frosts, and other 'acts of God' that make farming difficult, but a simple barn swallow returning from the south reminds me not to worry. In the midst of life's uncertainties we can be confident that our world is not on auto-pilot.

The predictability of robins returning, the smell of freshly cut grass, pink crab apple blossoms, a cardinal's morning song, yellow daffodils debuting, cows grazing in the meadow (not until May 10 I'm told) are some of the signs - simple joys - that affirm we're not here simply because of time, chance, and matter. There's too much intelligence in nature to ignore our Creator and his simple comforts.

I don't know how he did it. But, I believe he did. Six days? A billion years? Dinosaurs? Adam's belly button - was there one? I don't know. But, I do know that my swallow friends will leave at the end of August.

And, by God's design, they'll be back in April 2016! D.V.

Do not buy!

(p.s. Don't waste your money on these flying fake owls...they only make good landing pads!)

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